DE-OpenBlackHole BH 1.4, image including all patch up to 2.Oct.2011, DTS Surround, DVB-T Automatic, CrossEPG, Cron, WebInterface working and DynDNS plugins preinstalled.
Support Web site :

So :
- Auto DVB-T
- DTS Surround
- CrossEPG Plugin (0.6.2 svn 305)
- DynDNS Plugin
- Cron
- DreamElite BlackHole GUI (Showing InfoBar CAS infos, BluePanel, AutoCam, Extra Settings Menu [Cron Manager, Osd Settings (set Picons to LCD), Devices Manager, Kernel Modules Manager, Fast Plugin Settings], GreenPanel, Script Manager, System Setup : Show Event-progress in channel selection, etc)

P.S.: After installation and regularly, install the latest DM500HD patch available on the FERRARI Addon Manager or Built-in Addon Panel to have latest functionnalitites active and fully working.
Skins for DE-OpenBlackHole DVB-T DEGui EPG DynDNS...
Clock working if installing Skins or/and Patch Oct 21st
Skins available thru the Addon Manager Second page, under DE-OpenBlackHole Update menu.

1) Default (DreamElite BlackHole 1.3.3b - Army Smoke HD) :

2) DreamElite BlackHole 1.2.x (Army Classic HD):

3) Army Wall HD

4) Army Gradient HD (OpenBlackHole)

5) DE-BlackHole Vu+ Rihanna 1