** Tested and working with Ferrari VU+ on latest Images **

Install via .ipk attached


Extract the following archive and FTP the OnDemand folder to


then issue the following command via a telnet session.

init 4 && opkg install python-lxml python-beautifulsoup python-dnspython && init 3

be aware however that this is still a WIP ( work in progress ) and therefore not the finished article.

you can keep upto date with developments via the GIT.

grab.png (10 downloads)
Config-screen.png (9 downloads)
grab6.png (8 downloads)
grab9.png (7 downloads)
OnDemand-HD_All_Images.rar (14 downloads)
OnDemand_Dependencies.rar (13 downloads)
python-simplejson_2.2.1-r1_mips32el.ipk (9 downloads)
