TRANSPONDER NEWS [29.06.17 - 08.07.17] Astra 4A, SES-5, 4.8° East [08.07.17] 'TLC Ukraine' is FTA on 12207 V, sr 30000, fec 3/4, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, [, Igor*k] [04.07.17] 'Mist TV (ZIK)' has started on 12073 H, sr 27500, fec 3/4, FTA, [, sawa.ivanisov] Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B/C/E, 13° East [03.07.17] 'R1 Extra' has left 11117 V, [, Igor*k] [03.07.17] 'World Fashion Channel HD' has left 11541 V, [, rost1983] Express AMU1, EUTELSAT 36A/B, 36° East [05.07.17] 'Doktor' has started on 12111 L, sr 27500, fec 3/4, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, DRE Crypt, [, ROSSVET2] [03.07.17] 'Doktor' has started on 11785 R, sr 27500, fec 3/4, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, Viaccess, [, ROSSVET2] [03.07.17] '24 DOK' has left 11785 R, [, ROSSVET2] Express AT1, 56° East [03.07.17] 'Doktor' has started in package "ÐТВ ÐŸÐ»ÑŽÑ Ð’Ð¾Ñток" on 12320 R, sr 27500, fec 3/4, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, Viaccess, [, SERGEY1987] [03.07.17] 'Radio Rodnyh Dorog' has started on 12303 L, sr 27500, fec 3/4, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, DRE Crypt, [, SERGEY1987] ABS 2, Mongolsat-1, 75° East [05.07.17] 'Doktor' has started on 11665 V, sr 44922, fec 5/6, Irdeto 2, [, ROSSVET2] [05.07.17] '24 DOK' has left 11665 V, [, ROSSVET2] [03.07.17] 'Tochka TV' is back on 12153 V, fec 2/3, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, FTA, [, Igor*k] [30.06.17] 'TNV Planeta' has started on 11559 V, sr 22000, fec 5/6, MPEG-4, FTA, [, Igor*k, sawa.ivanisov] [29.06.17] 'Nano TV' has left 12153 V, [] Intelsat-15 / Horizons 2, 85.2° East [08.07.17] 'Doktor' has left 12160 H, [, AbsTelevision] [03.07.17] 'Perviy Vegetariansky' has started on 11760 H, sr 28800, fec 3/4, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, Conax / Irdeto 2, [, AbsTelevision] [03.07.17] 'Doktor' has started on 12160 H, sr 28800, fec 3/4, Conax / Irdeto 2, [, AbsTelevision] [03.07.17] '24 DOK' has left 12160 H, [, AbsTelevision] [03.07.17] 'Dialog o Rybalke' has started on 11760 H, sr 28800, fec 3/4, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, Conax / Irdeto 2, [, AbsTelevision] [03.07.17] 'Doktor' has started on 12120 H, sr 28800, fec 2/3, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, Irdeto 2 / Conax, [, AbsTelevision] * Time Zone: GMT+2
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