Best is OpenPLi 4.0Plus and OpenPLi 5.0Plus, both should support the standard Realtek/Ralink Wifi commonly used chips on built-in DM800HDse motherboards (Sim2/Ferrari with Built in Wifi are working here, tested in 2 different boxes). OpenBlackHole is based on OpenPLi software as well, so at the end both are same software but with a different GUI (Graphic User Interface).

We need to get the PID:VID, you can send us the result under OpenPLi of the "lsusb" command under telnet/ssh, it should give you the PID:VID of your Wifi as well (that command).

I think you already installed the OpenPLi 4.0Plus, so keep it but give us back the "lsusb" return on console.


lsusb.jpg (338 downloads)
