OKI, here are the Telnet commands, thanx to Delfi, as to how to use the original images feed for update but not have your box screwed by DMM traps...

First, see what you have in your STB:

opkg info dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd

Result can be, like with my F500HD, as follows:

opkg info dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd
Package: dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd
Version: 3.2-20140616-r8.0
Depends: dreambox-secondstage-dm500hd, kernel-vmlinux
Status: install ok installed
Section: base
Architecture: dm500hd
Maintainer: OE-Core Developers <openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org>
MD5Sum: e01eef059f0874fc782155c06c158aec
Size: 2594208
Filename: dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd_3.2-20140616-r8.0_dm500hd.ipk
Source: dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd_3.2-20140616.bb
Description: Hardware drivers for Dreambox
 Hardware drivers for Dreambox.
Installed-Size: 4450643
Installed-Time: 1516764300

So, one must use the three commands, one after the other, as follows:

opkg info dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd

opkg flag hold dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd

opkg flag hold dreambox-secondstage-dm500hd

In effect, by using those commands, one does not upgrade/update drivers and SSL - and all is well... smile

Here is what you get in Telnet, for instance in PuTTy proggy:

root@dm500hd:~# opkg info dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd
Package: dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd
Version: 3.2-20140616-r8.0
Depends: dreambox-secondstage-dm500hd, kernel-vmlinux
Status: install ok installed
Section: base
Architecture: dm500hd
Maintainer: OE-Core Developers <openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org>
MD5Sum: e01eef059f0874fc782155c06c158aec
Size: 2594208
Filename: dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd_3.2-20140616-r8.0_dm500hd.ipk
Source: dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd_3.2-20140616.bb
Description: Hardware drivers for Dreambox
 Hardware drivers for Dreambox.
Installed-Size: 4450643
Installed-Time: 1516764300

root@dm500hd:~# opkg flag hold dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd
Setting flags for package dreambox-dvb-modules-dm500hd to hold.
root@dm500hd:~# opkg flag hold dreambox-secondstage-dm500hd
Setting flags for package dreambox-secondstage-dm500hd to hold.

Now, if you go for "opkg update" command but not from your clone image feed and instead from feeds intended for original images - it's OK and your box won't be screwed... wink

Edited by gorski (02/01/18 02:44 PM)
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