How to flash an OpenATV image into your DM900UHD

1) Download the image

2) You get a Zip File Unpack it in the folder dm900 you can find the following files:

Info: with the openATV there is also an online updater once you have an ATV image installed you can simply install a new image via the image, Video

3) Switch off the power switch on the rear panel.

4) Box Turn on then immediately press the standby button and hold it you can see that this red / violet flashes when the button red lights please release again.

5) IP from the TV screen Read or display the display.

7) Now use the Firmware Upload and Browse ... button to select the previously loaded image and start the flash operation.

8) Remove hook for backup and restore We do not want the Dream OS settings to be transferred into the openATV.

INFO: The openATV images have a rootfs.tar.bz2 in the folder dm900

Dream OS Images use tar.xz

9) Reboot now the box restart.

01.jpg (460 downloads)
02.jpg (473 downloads)
03.jpg (540 downloads)
04.jpg (537 downloads)
05.jpg (538 downloads)
