Eutelsat 36B. 36E TV channel "Pod Elkoj" Appeared in the package "Tricolor" on 12226 L 27500 3/4. DVB-S2. Beam "E36C Russian" DRE-Crypt Horizons-2. 85E TV channel "Slavmir" Appeared in the package "Telekarta" on 11920 H 28800 2/3. DVB-S2. Ray "Horizons-2 Russia" Irdeto2 Hot Bird 13B. 13E Package of TV channels "Xtra TV" Appeared on 12437 H 29900 3/5. DVB-S2. Beam "HB-13B" Betacrypt Horizons-2. 85E Channel "Tlum HD" Appeared in the package "Telekarta" on 11800 H 28800 2/3. DVB-S2. Ray "Horizons-2 Russia" Irdeto2 Express-AT1. 56E TV channel "Pod Elkoj HD" Appeared in the package "Tricolor Sibir" on 11958 L 30,000 5/6. DVB-S2. Beam "AT-1 Wide" DRE-Crypt TV channel "Pod Elkoj" Appeared in the package "Tricolor Sibir" on 11996 L 27500 3/4. DVB-S2. Beam "AT-1 Wide" DRE-Crypt Eutelsat 36B. 36E TV channel "Pod Elkoj HD" Appeared in the package "Tricolor" on 11958 L 30,000 5/6. DVB-S2. Beam "E36B Russian" DRE-Crypt Yahsat-1A. 52.5E Channel "Fight Sports HD" appeared on 11785 H 27500 3/4. DVB-S2. Ray "Al Yah 1 East" Open Horizons-2. 85E Channel "VIP Premiere HD" Temporarily goes open on 11800 H 28800 2/3. DVB-S2. Ray "Horizons-2 Russia" ABS-2A. 75E Test card "Discovery Science" Appeared on 12706 V 45000 7/8. DVB-S2. Ray "ABS-2A Russia" Open Eutelsat 9B. 9E Channel "Museum HD" appeared on 11727 V ​​30000 3/4. DVB-S2. Beam "E9B Wide" Open
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