Hot Bird 13C. 13E TV channels "SBC HD, Sunna TV HD, Quran TV HD, Al Ekhbariya HD and Saudi TV HD" appeared on 12558 V 27500 5/6. DVB-S2. Beam "HB-13C" Open Turksat 4A. 42E Channel "СiftÑi TV HD" appeared on 12083 H 13750 2/3. DVB-S2. Ray "4A East" Open ABS-2A. 75E TV channels "Dom Kino Premium HD, Pobeda HD and Ugra" appeared in the package "MTS TV" on 12160 V 45000 2/3. DVB-S2. Beam "ABS-2A Russia" Irdeto2, Verimatrix TV channels "Nick Jr and Dom Kino" appeared in the package "MTS TV" on 11920 V 45000 2/3. DVB-S2. Beam "ABS-2A Russia" Irdeto2, Verimatrix Channel "Motor Trend HD" Appeared in the package "MTS TV" on 12100 V 45000 2/3. DVB-S2. Beam "ABS-2A Russia" Irdeto2, Verimatrix
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