»Eutelsat 9.0 ° East Changes to New: The radio station Premier Radio has been switched to Eutelsat 9.0 ° East in the Arqiva package. Data: Frequency 12092 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, Mod. 8PSK, encrypted: No
»Hotbird 13.0 ° East Changes during update: Identifier [New: History Italia] from the station History +1 to Hotbird 13.0 ° East has changed. Data: Frequency 12092 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 29900, FEC 3/4, Mod. 8PSK, encrypted: Yes
»Astra 19.2 ° East Changes during update: The transmitter M. DEPORTES5 on Astra 19.2 ° East has changed the frequency. It changed from 11097 MHz V to 10788 MHz V. Data: Frequency 10788 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 22000, FEC 5/6, encrypted: Yes The transmitter M.LCAMPEON7 on Astra 19.2 ° East has changed the frequency. It changed from 11097 MHz V to 10788 MHz V. Data: Frequency 10788 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 22000, FEC 5/6, encrypted: Yes The transmitter M. DEPORTES6 on Astra 19.2 ° East has changed the frequency. It changed from 10788 MHz V to 11097 MHz V. Data: Frequency 11097 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 22000, FEC 5/6, encrypted: Yes The transmitter M. DEPORTES7 on Astra 19.2 ° East has changed the frequency. It changed from 10788 MHz V to 11097 MHz V. Data: Frequency 11097 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 22000, FEC 5/6, encrypted: Yes [+] Audio Pid, ​​Provider ID [New: SKY], PCR Pid [New: 3071], Teletext Pid [New: 32], PMT Pid from Sky Sport 3 to Astra 19.2 ° East has changed. Data: Frequency 11720 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 9/10, Mod.QPSK, encrypted: Yes
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