Concerning DuPAL, it's up to you to judge.

The author, hkzlab, just added on github this :

You are expected to have enough knowledge to be able to build this yourself (it's a Maven project: search engines are your friend)...
Please, do not come to me asking for hand-holding using or building this: my time is limited...

I don't know him BUT.
- he don't reply any mail (no matter the subjet, technical or not)
- but, he 'spending time' to modify the github... Logical ?
- I think the sentence : 'my time is limited' to say...unwelcome

Maybe he's an genius with 130's IQ... o_O'
My Time is's a joke ? Time is limited for all of us.
He don't want to 'speed hos time' but he created the project on github.

Don't want to propose the compiled project (to compil this, you'r need ...hummm, 2 minutes and it's very VERY simple)
But, he don't want 'speed his time'. (but take time to modify his project on github but don't reply at any mail.

Well... for me, this project it's MAYBE a good project but it is supported by an idiot.
Idiot not in term of technical inteligence but idiot in term of way of communication and way to thinking about other people.

I am really angry with this way of thinking.
It's up to you to judge.
Live is short, time is limited (Mega LOL), maybe we are NOT time to speed with this person.

Attachments (9 downloads)

Ho nooooo.