Update: Video Pid [New: 6113], Audio Pid, ​​PCR Pid [New: 6113] from TS Sports 14 to Thor 0.8 ° West has changed. Data: Frequency 12322 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 30000, FEC 3/4, Mod. 8PSK, encrypted: Yes
New: The temporary transmitter test was activated in the M7 package on Thor 0.8 ° West. Data: Frequency 11919 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 28000, FEC 7/8 encoded in (Conax, Cryptoworks, Irdeto, Nagravision) The temporary transmitter test 13006 was activated in the Telenor package on Thor 0.8 ° West. Data: Frequency 12361 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 30000, FEC 3/4 encoded in (Conax)
Astra 4.8 ° East
New: The transmitter PaddyPower3 was activated in the SIS package on Astra 4.8 ° East. Data: Frequency 11727 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4 encoded in (PowerVU) The transmitter TV-1 was activated in the Unknown package on Astra 4.8 ° East. Data: frequency 11747 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 30000, FEC 3/4, encrypted: no The ViP Serial HD transmitter was switched to Astra 4.8 ° East in the VIASAT package. Data: Frequency 12092 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 30000, FEC 2/3 encoded in (Verimatrix)
Deleted: The Viasat Sport transmitter was switched off in the VIASAT package. Data: Frequency 12092 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 30000, FEC 2/3, Mod.8PSK, encrypted: Yes The Viasat Sport HD transmitter can still be received on the frequency 12092 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 30000, FEC 2/3. Attention note: This is the HD variant. The Alphameric Studio and SIS + (PVU1) transmitter was switched off in the Unknown package. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The Alphameric Studio with BTC Audio transmitter was switched off in the Unknown package. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The radio transmitter ALT VC 120 was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The radio transmitter ALT VC 400 was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The radio transmitter ALT VC 66 was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The transmitter BFTV1 was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The transmitter BFTV2 was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The transmitter BFTV3 was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: yes The Ladbrokes 1-PVU 3 transmitter was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The transmitter MK Test was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The transmitter PPTV1-IE was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The transmitter PPTV1-UK was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The transmitter PPTV2 was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: yes The transmitter PPTV3 was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The RTVi transmitter was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The RTVi transmitter can still be received on the frequency 12380 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4. The SIS BarOne Indep transmitter was switched off in the Unknown package. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The transmitter SIS MK Test PVU 8 was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: yes The SIS + (PVU1) transmitter was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes The transmitter SIS + with BTC Audio was switched off in the Unknown packet. Data: Frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, encrypted: Yes
TP Deleted: The transponder with the frequency 12149 MHz was switched off. Data: DVB-S, QPSK, frequency 12149 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4
Hotbird 13.0 ° East
New: The channel Novalifå åxtraHD was activated in the Nova package on Hotbird 13.0 ° East. In addition to 11823 MHz H, the transmitter now also transmits in parallel on 11804 MHz V. Data: Frequency 11804 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 29700, FEC 3/4, Mod. 8PSK, encrypted: Yes
Deleted: The Kentron TV channel was switched off in the iKO Media Group package. Data: Frequency 11334 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, Mod. QPSK, encrypted: no The channel DuckTV was switched off in the Nova package. Data: Frequency 11804 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 29700, FEC 3/4, Mod.8PSK, encrypted: Yes The transmitter ducktv can still be received on the frequency 11938 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4.
Astra 19.2 ° East
Update: Identifier [New: M. BIOGRAFÃAS] from the transmitter M. Amenábar to Astra 19.2 ° East has changed. Data: Frequency 10758 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 22000, FEC 5/6, Mod.QPSK, encrypted: Yes
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