This is a guide for setting up a free openvpn service that im using on my vu+ duo2 on vix image,
not to sure if the same principle is used for other images but i cant imagine that it would be much different.
You can use the same method here for any openvpn service (paid or free)
If you use 'Private' leave out the 'login.conf' file
If you use 'Hide My Ass' then make sure you dont have it running on your computer at the same time
as on your receiver, to be sure of this go to 'Task Manager' on your computer and end the 'HMA' task.
If you are for using a free vpn service like myself then be sure to check the 'password' from time to time
as it changes to prevent abuse. Simply edit your 'login.conf' file to change your password (explained more later)
1 : Firstly ensure you have DCC.exe (dreambox control centre) or VCC.exe (vu+ control centre by Lee Hudson) installed
on your pc or laptop. I use VCC.
2 : Next download notepad++ onto your computer (this will be used to make the files)
3 : Make a new folder on your computer and name it 'Openvpn files' save it in documents
4 : Go to and download the certificates bundle in Accounts. Open with 7-zip file manager and
extract the first file and open it in notepad++
5 : <<ca>> Copy the ca.crt from and including ----begin certificate--- to -----end certificate--- and paste it onto a new page
in nopepad++ . go to 'save as' and save it into the new folder you created named 'Openvpn files'. Name the file 'ca.crt' and
in the 'save as type' select 'all files'
6 : <<cert>> copy and paste the .crt file and save it as 'user.crt' save as 'all files'
7 : <<key>> copy the key files and save it as 'user.key' also save as 'all files'
8 : open a new page in notepad++ and put the username and password on it, (this is found on the webpage)
type the user name first and then press enter and then type the password. eg.
name this file 'login.conf' save as 'all files'
9 : delete the <<ca>> <<cert>> <<key>> files from original document that you downloaded
10 : edit the original document and add
ca user.crt
cert user.crt
key user.key
11 : edit the line auth-user-pass and change to
auth-user-pass login.conf
12 : go to 'save as' and rename the document to 'openvpn.conf' and save as 'all files'
be sure to save in the same folder as the rest of the files. (Openvpn files)
you now have all the files you need, your 'openvpn.conf' should look something like
dev tun1
proto tcp
remote <IP> <PORT>
resolv-retry infinite
auth-user-pass login.conf
verb 3
cipher AES-128-CBC
route-delay 2
ca ca.crt
cert user.crt
key user.key
13 : open VCC.exe on your computer and connect to you box.
14 : On the 'control panel' go to 'FTP' this will open up 'File Zilla'
15 : The screen is split in half, on the left are documents from your computer and on the right
are documents from your receiver box
16 : Go to 'documents' on your computer and open the folder you made 'openvpn files'
17 : Go to the other side and open the 'etc' folder on your box, scroll down and open the 'openvpn' folder
18 : It should be empty if not delete whatever is in it
19 : Back over to the left side and either double click on the files you made to transferr them to the 'openvpn' folder
or drag them over.
20 : you are now set up and ready to go
21 : Get your remote control and press 'menu' go to 'setup' 'system' 'network' 'openvpn setup'
22 : press 'green' to start the vpn and press 'yellow' to enable autostart
23 : exit out of everything and reboot your receiver
24 : you should be good to go, try accessing something that was blocked by your ISP
25 : to check the external ip of your receiver go to VCC.exe on your computer and go to Telnet
26 : type in the following command
wget -q -O - | grep "IP address is"
you can google the ip address to see where it comes from
##if you noticed that you dont have a 'openvpn' folder on your box then go to 'Telnet' and type in the following command
opkg install openvpn
you dont have to delete the keys files you can leave them there it wont matter. (not to complicate things, but your actually supposed to put the ca.crt, user.crt and user.key files into the keys folder, then on the original document your supposed to add into it,
ca ./keys/ca.crt
cert ./keys/user.crt
key ./keys/user.key
then when your reciever goes to look for the files it understands that there in the key folder... but to make it simple i decided not to put the files in the key folder but to just put them in the same folder as the rest of the files ie the openvpn folder. so all you need to do is add
ca user.crt
cert user.crt
key user.key
to the original document.) can you see the difference? so on step 10 yes just copy and paste
ca user.crt
cert user.crt
key user.key
and add it to your original document (openvpn.conf)
it should then look something like point 12.
as for the vpn not starting and stopping try this
1. go to notepad++ and make a new document
2. copy and paste the following command into it
/etc/init.d/openvpn start
3. go to save as and name the file 'start_vpn' and save it as 'all files' (it should just save as 'file')
4. go to VuCC and transferr the file into your openvpn folder on your reciever via FTP
5. you also need to make a file to stop the vpn, so go back to notepad++ and open a new document and copy and paste the following command
/etc/init.d/openvpn stop
go to save as and name the document 'stop_vpn' and save as 'all files'
6. go to VuCC and transferr the file into your openvpn folder on your reciever via FTP
7. reboot your reciever and you should now be able to start and stop the vpn by pressing the green button on your control
you can also put them commands into telnet in VuCC and they should start and stop the vpn
- - - Updated - - -
When you type the commands via telnet you might notice it says ' error login failed' but if you check it out on your reciever you will notice that it has indeed actually started. dont no why it does that but the main thing is that it works!!
ps to let youy know if you are using a vpn service that has a lot of servers in different parts of the world you can add more than one to your 'openvpn.conf' to do this copy and paste them onto the document putting them below the remote <ip> <port> and above the whole lot type 'remote-random' and every time you connect to your vpn your reciever will pick one at random. this is useful because sometimes some servers are slower than others as they are futher away or too many people using them at the same time! an example of what your file would look like is
remote x.x.x x.x x.x. x x.x.x
remote x.x.x x.x x.x x x.x.x
remote x.x.x x.x x.x x x.x.x
remote x.x.x x.x x.x x x.x.x