Hi Guys. its been 2 years and the last time was 6 months since i requested this Skin to be modified made compatible for ALL OA version.

It does NOT work on openPli8 and on many other OE systems for example openATV.
But, it does work on version openATV 6.4 and HDF 6.5. BUT NO longer on openATV 6.5 or openATV 7,0

Could the Team PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do this modification for me and make it work on ALL OA versions.
I even tried to download from "JapharAddonManager" BUT it FAILS. see attached photo.
I dont know if its the same Skin as the one I am looking for?

I know you Guys have a lot of work BUT, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE,I support this Forum with SIM purchases and a little apprec would be great.
I have been waiting for more than 2years for this Compatibility Modification for my favourite Skin.

Skin-Turbo-MOD-By-RAED.ipk.rar (1 downloads)
Skin- vo_1_0_r2_domica-Download Error.jpg (29 downloads)

Edited by AJP007 (11/23/21 10:40 AM)
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