Originally Posted By: Toysoft
Our image is Japhar Specific, from MastaG, and the SuperSim3 is I think the best, as it can run smoothly Japhar images, Ferrari images as well as Sim2 2.01 and 2.10 images... so you can run all, including your old Sim2 images.

For members the sim is available at http://www.japhar.com/japhar/

And the latest image is v14, available here, with built-in the CrossEPG and latest GStreamer 1.8 Pre-Release,


So I think it's really worth to upgrade, as it keeps your Sim2 compatibility but also opens you to Ferrari and Japhar images like the latest OpenPLi 4.0 IPTV from February 2016.



I do have to ask, the image I downloaded, I didn't really understand the Sim requirements, I took the statement it could run multiple Sims to suggest it would work on my Sim 2.01, and it did. I think I might have gotten a lucky image that was based on it. I'll dig out the link as part of my process.

May even opt for the newer Sim later, but for now, I'm content with my setup. will do tutorial in due course.